
This section gives on overview about everything you need to know if you wish to contribute to BMicro.

Development workflow

The main branch for developing BMicro is main. If you want to make small changes like one-liners, documentation, or default values in the configuration, you may work on the main branch. If you want to change more, please (fork BMicro and) create a separate branch, e.g. my_new_feature_dev, and create a pull-request once you are done making your changes. Please make sure to edit the Changelog.

Very important: Please try to always pull with rebase

git pull --rebase

instead of

git pull

to prevent confusions in the commit history.


It is always helpful to have code examples and thorough descriptions in a documentation. We use sphinx-autodoc for the code reference, which means that the docstrings of your functions and classes are automatically rendered. Please make sure that this is working properly - go to the docs directory and execute:

pip install -r requirements.txt
sphinx-build . _build

This will create a a file _build/index.html which you can open in your favorite browser.


We try to adhere to test-driven development. Please always write test functions for your code. You can run all tests via

python test

Making a new release

The release process of BMicro is completely automated. All you need to know is that you have to create an incremental tag:

git tag -a "0.1.3"
# or (if you have set up PGP)
git tag -s "0.1.3"
# and finally
git push --tags

For more information on how automatic deployment to PyPI works, please read on.

Continuous integration

The following things are automated:

Badges for all of these CI tasks are in the main README.rst file.